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Research states that the meaning of life and the meaning of work are closely related. It also states that work and life are not taken as separate compartments and meaning made in life or at work have spill over effects or affect each. Work is a way by which human beings interpret and make life meaning. It is also a way by which we, human beings manifest our very purpose of life.

Work is like a journey by which human being is moving inch by inch near to the goal or the purpose which one has for one’s life. There are many around who say they do not know what their goal or purpose in life is. To me this question sounds a bit amusing and confusing!

All human beings know as to what kind life they would like to live – for some it is to live life of abundance, some live to have fame and recognition, many want to have the ability to possess everything that they like, some want to possess knowledge, some would like to yield the power and might, some want to be the best providers to the family and loved ones, some want to live life of recluse and some want to be known by all … this itself is a proof that we all deep inside know what we want out of our lives… The reason that we want to live for … which is nothing but the very goal or purpose of our lives. We all know what we except out of lives, but the problem is that we do not want to take the responsibility of our own expectations of our lives.

If I am someone who would like to have all the power and might in life, at work my manifestation of my purpose would be through the work and how I play it out to make it reality would be based on the value system that I carry. If I am someone who would like to go by the right way, I would try to yield the power and might by following the rules set for the same and make sure people around me are also doing the same. But if I am someone who has the inclination to twist the rules as per convenience, then my way of manifesting the power and might in life through work would be vastly different than one who goes by the books. It would mean to define the concept of integrity to suit my very purpose and discard the same when goal is achieved! Sometimes, when I know that I might not be able to achieve the goal and see someone else achieving, I due to the power and might that I inspire to exert, would make sure the journey of the other one is perceived in the wrong way.

When this individual seeking is enabled by the workplace that we are attached with (off course the means to achieve is as per the norms), the meaning of life and meaning of work would converge. Most companies design jobs and then slot people into them. Our great people leaders sometimes do the opposite: When they find talented people, they are open to creating jobs around them. Many of us have unanswered callings at work — our goals and purpose in life do not get the work platform to manifest in our careers. Whether we lacked the talent, the opportunity, or the means to make them our occupations, landing in a different career does not make these purpose disappear. They linger, like the professional version of the one who got away. And since we spend most of our waking hours at work, so, we look for ways to bring our purposes into our jobs.

People leaders can play a key role in designing motivating, meaningful jobs. The best goes out of their way to help people do work they enjoy. Too often, leaders do not know enough about what the goals and purpose of their team members are – this is because leaders have not invested time genuinely to know the ones who are working for them and what are their aspirations in life.

People leaders create opportunities for people to have meaning in what they do. They should become aware of the goals, purposes and what are the gap areas for improvement of their team members in a much deeper way that their meaning of life can be manifested in their meaning of work at workplace. Such heightened awareness and knowledge may help the leaders assign jobs, identify potentials, and prepare the team more effectively toward a long-term vision. Tameka Williamson of the Forbes Coaches Council said, “This knowledge becomes the power you need to strategically align your team in a way that fills in the gaps. Then you can empower them to take ownership and solve problems under your guidance, focused on working together as a high-performing and solution-oriented team.” A people leader can be so aware only when he dons the hat of an enabler and takes the mantle of enabling team members to be better versions of themselves holistically than just managing them.



Manifesting meaning of life through work

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